Dome A地区直接接受来自地球平流层大气的沉积,这里的冰盖是原始堆积形成的,储存着全球的气候和大气环境信息。Dome A地区也是南极冷源的中心区,可望获得地球表面的最低温度,是地球气候环境动力系统中的最重要驱动源,是现代地球气候环境动力学本底观测的最理想区域。本数据集为中国南极中山站至DomeA内陆冰盖考察路线的积累率分布。
采集时间 | 2001/01/01 - 2003/12/31 |
采集地点 | 内陆冰盖,中国南极中山站至Dome A |
数据量 | 290.0 KiB |
数据格式 | Excel |
数据时间分辨率 | 日 |
坐标系 | WGS84 |
沿中山站至Dome A内陆冰盖考察路线100km范围(两侧各50km)的积累率。由David Waughan和Mario Giovinetto编撰的南极冰盖表面积累率数据获得。
经插值,输出为分辨率分别为1km和5km的ESRI栅格和文本格式数据。Dome A位于东南极中心是南极冰盖尚未开展科学探测的制高点。
# | 标题 | 文件大小 |
1 | snow_accumulation.rar | 249.0 KiB |
2 | 沿中山站至dome a内陆冰盖考察路线的积累率分布.doc | 41.0 KiB |
# | 时间 | 姓名 | 用途 |
1 | 2023/04/12 01:44 | 苏* |
2 | 2020/04/30 13:13 | 李* |
论文题目:UAV-based Photogrammetry and LiDAR for the Characterization of Icescape Evolution
论文摘要:The ice doline is a particular kind of icescape usually scattered on the fast ice stream which is mostly far from the existing research bases. Therefore glaciologists rarely have opportunities to document their developments in detail since satellite observations are too coarse to capture such fine features. Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) and Light Detection And Ranging (LiDAR) technologies have revolutionized geoscientific research, especially in less accessed polar regions. We developed two bespoke UAV systems for glaciology investigation, and carried out four campaigns during the Chinese Antarctic expeditions. Based on meticulously co-registration beforehand, a successful application to characterize a doline's spatio-temporal evolution is presented in this paper. The overlying weight of surface melting directly triggered the collapse event on 30 Jan 2017 near the \textit{Dalk Glacier}. Then the newborn doline grew for another 8135.6 m$^2$ in area and 280303.38 m$^3$ in volume by early 2018. The results from the UAV-based photogrammetry and LiDAR systems revealed the evolution of the doline during a whole year, showing a maximum horizontal extension of 50 m, and vertical changes of more than -10 m, mainly concentrated in its eastern part. In the end, we offer a thorough discussion of the pros and cons of UAV photogrammetry and LiDAR for such a particular kind of application, then make some recommendations for future improvements.
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