采集时间 | 2011/01/01 - 2011/12/31 |
采集地点 | 南极中山站 |
数据量 | 143.0 KiB |
数据格式 | png |
数据时间分辨率 | 日 |
坐标系 | WGS84 |
# | 标题 | 文件大小 |
1 | data_2011_多波段成像仪.rar | 143.0 KiB |
# | 时间 | 姓名 | 用途 |
1 | 2023/10/11 23:34 | 王* |
Paper title:Multimodal substorm recognition using UVI, SuperDARN and space physical parameters
Paper abstract:Substorm recognition method based on multimodal data is proposed in this paper. The multimodal data include auroral images from satellite imager, plasma velocities from ground-based radar station and space parameters from aerocraft probes. Among three modalities, the semantical features of auroral images are extracted using VGG-16 network. Then, LSTM group is utilized to extract sequential feature of independent modal data. And memory fusion network is used for multimodal sequential feature fusion. The experimental results of different embedding features on substorm recognition illustrate that particle precipitation recorded in auroral images is a key physical process in the substorm event process.
Paper type:journal article
Tutor: WangPing
2 | 2023/09/25 08:03 | 刘* |
3 | 2023/04/11 18:24 | 安* |
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