TY - Data T1 - 2013 Digital Elevation Model Dataset for the Chogori Peak Region A1 - Liu Shiyin A1 - Jiang zongli DO - 10.12072/ncdc.DIMaC.db0054.2020 PY - 2020 DA - 2020-12-15 PB - National Cryosphere Desert Data Center AB - This data set is aimed at the qiaogori peak area, including the glacier and surrounding areas in the chogori peak area, and the digital elevation model of the area in 2013 obtained by using remote sensing images. The data set contains one band, and the complex data of the same ground object can be obtained by using the platform equipped with synthetic aperture radar sensor at the same time or two parallel observations. After accurate registration, complex interferograms can be obtained by conjugate multiplication of complex images. Based on the geometric relationship among flight platform, beam view and baseline, the digital elevation model of glacier area is obtained by unwrapping the phase information of complex interferogram. Only for the glacier surface elevation in 2013, so it will not be supplemented and improved, and fully open sharing is adopted. The data set contains dem2013, a total of 1 band. Data set file name and band name are as follows: data set file name: 2013 qiaogori peak area digital elevation model data set, dem2013-2013 digital elevation model of this area, unit: meter (m). DB - NCDC UR - http://www.ncdc.ac.cn/portal/metadata/2c145c84-8405-46c3-9304-ba4494bcb530 ER -