TY - Data T1 - Heihe integrated remote sensing joint test: Airborne widas ground synchronous observation data set in the encrypted observation area of Linze station (June 29, 2008) A1 - Sun Qingsong DO - 10.12072/ncdc.NIEER.db1860.2022 PY - 2022 DA - 2022-03-15 PB - National Cryosphere Desert Data Center AB - On June 29, 2008, the ground synchronous observation of airborne infrared wide-angle dual-mode line / area array scanner (widas) was carried out in the encrypted observation area of Linze station. Widas is composed of 4 CCD cameras, 1 mid infrared thermal imager (AGEMA 550) and 1 thermal infrared thermal imager (S60). It can simultaneously obtain data of 5 angles of visible / near infrared (CCD) band, 7 angles of mid infrared band (MIR) and 7 angles of thermal infrared band (TIR). Ground synchronous observation mainly includes soil moisture, surface radiation temperature, surface feature spectrum, BRDF, LAI-2000 measurement Lai and fish eye camera measurement Lai.1. Soil moisture observation; Observation target: 0-5cm topsoil. Observation instrument: ring knife (volume 50cm ^ 3), ml2x soil moisture rapid tester. Observation quadrats and sampling times: ly06 and ly07 quadrats under the sixth and seventh routes from east to West (9 times of circular knife observation), wulidun farmland quadrats (6 observation points, 1 time of circular knife sampling at each observation point, and 3 times of repeated sampling with ml2x soil moisture rapid meter). The pretreatment data is soil volume water content. Quadrat data storage: Excel.2. Surface temperature radiation observation; Observation instrument: hand held infrared thermometer (cold and drought Institute 5#, cold and drought Institute 6#, Geography Institute); All instruments have been calibrated (please refer to the calibration data of handheld infrared thermometer. XLS). Observation quadrats and sampling times: ly06 and ly07 quadrats under Route 6 and Route 7 from east to West (49 observation points for each quadrat, 3 repetitions for each observation point), wulidun farmland quadrat (multiple observation points are selected, 3 repetitions for each observation point). Preprocessing data according to the thermal infrared calibration data (the standard source is blackbody), the measured temperature of each instrument is DB - NCDC UR - http://www.ncdc.ac.cn/portal/metadata/45d0b1d3-7ec9-4ab2-8784-5f3e12615eb6 ER -