采集时间 | 2011/01/01 - 2015/01/01 |
采集地点 | 黑河流域 |
数据量 | 11.4 GiB |
数据格式 | tif |
数据时间分辨率 | 月 |
坐标系 | WGS84 |
# | 编号 | 名称 | 类型 |
1 | 2013AA12A301 | 星机地综合观测定量遥感融合处理与共性产品生产系统 | 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划) |
2 | 2012AA12A304 | 多尺度遥感数据按需快速处理与定量遥感产品生成关键技术 | 国家自然科学基金 |
# | 标题 | 文件大小 |
1 | 30m_EVI_2011-2014 | |
2 | 30m_NDVI_2011-2014 |
# | 时间 | 姓名 | 用途 |
1 | 2022/04/25 06:08 | 王* |
2 | 2022/03/11 01:34 | 陆* |
论文摘要:The ecological footprint (EF), a physical indicator to measure the extent of humanity’s use of natural resources, has gained much attention since it was first used by Wackernagel and Rees in 1996. In
order to account for differences between countries in productivity of a given land type (i.e., arable land, pasture, forest and water/fishery), productivity factor was introduced to relate the regional primary
bio-productivities of the 4 types of land to the integrated average primary bio-productivity of the corresponding land types. Hence, the productivity factor is an important parameter in the EF model and it
directly affects the reliability of all results. Thus, this article calculates productivity factor on the national and provincial level in China based on Net Primary Production (NPP) from MODIS 1 km data in 2008.
Firstly, based on the Light Utility Efficiency and CASA model, the NPP of different biologically productive lands of China and of different provinces was calculated. Secondly, China’s productivity factor for a given
land type was calculated as the ratio of national average NPP of that land type and world-average NPP of that land type. Finally, productivity factors of each province in China for a given land type was calculated.
The NPP of each ecosystem type varies along with the productivity factor in different provinces. However, the ranking of the productivity factors remain the same, with that of arable land being the largest, and
the water/fishery being the smallest.
3 | 2021/12/28 02:22 | 肖*伟 |
论文摘要:土壤粒径数据作为区域水文、生态、地理、农业和环境研究领域的重要基础数据,需要准确把握其空间分布情况。关于土壤粒径数据空间预测方法已有很多方面研究,主要为成分克里金插值(CK)以及 log-ratio 克里金(log-ratio OK)和 log-ratio 协克里金方法(log-ratio COK)。但是,关于这些方法的预测效果及方法的适用性分析评价尚未有所定论。四种 log-ratio 转换方法,加法的对数比转换(ALR)、中心对数比转换(CLR)、等角对数比转换(ILR)、对称对数比转换(SLR),结合 OK 组成的 log-ratio OK(ALR_OK、CLR_OK、ILR_OK、SLR_OK),结合 COK 的 log-ratio COK(ALR_COK、CLR_COK、ILR_COK、SLR_COK),结合稳健的方差估计 log-ratio RCOK(ALR_RCOK、CLR_RCOK、ILR_RCOK、SLR_RCOK),CK 以及基于环境变量的 ALR 和 ILR 结合广义线性模型(GLM)和随机森林(RF)的方法被分别应用到黑河不同尺度流域的土壤粒径数据空间预测研究。对不同插值方法精度表现及方法适用性进行分析比较。选取均方根误差(RMSE)、Aitchison 距离(AD)、标准化残差平方和(STRESS)、土壤质地类型的正确预测率(RR)作为方法精度评价指标。
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